Friday, April 30, 2010

Summarizer-Steph 4/30/10

1. "A Third-Rate Wedding": This chapter describes Shakila's wedding and the traditions that go along with it. The tone of the chapter is very calm and even, with little emotion, which is a little surprising given that the chapter is describing a wedding. Generally weddings are full of emotion and often frantic, but the wedding described seems to lack both. Any "emergencies" that arise are quickly resolved and forgotten. While the bride's nervousness is mentioned, there is little else in regards to emotion described in the chapter. Instead the chapter meticulously describes the traditions involved in the ceremony, rather than the emotions commonly associated with a wedding.

2. "The Matriarch": This chapter is mostly about Bibi Gul, Sultan's mother. It lists her children and what became of them. The focus is not on Bibi Gul's life, rather on her children. This seems to be a reflection of the idea in Afghani culture that women are only as good as the children they can produce. So naturally Bibi Gul's pride would be in the children she gave birth to.

3. "Temptations": This chapter is about Sultan's son, Mansur. One day while working in his father's shop, Mansur meets a young girl. Although he doesn't have the book she needs, he tells her he will bring it the next day and asks her to return. He then makes plans to seduce and marry her. When Mansur thinks about her, he doesn't admire that she is educated, instead he admires her appearance. He also assumes she can be won over simply by his wealth.

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