- A marketplace or shopping quarter in the Middle East.
2. Hammam-pg. xii
- A communal bathhouse in Islamic countries, usually with separate baths for men and women.
3. Burka-pg. xiv
- A loose garment covering the entire body and having a veiled opening for the eyes, worn by Muslim women.
4. Chockablock-pg. xiv
- Extremely full; crowded; jammed
5. Vacillated-pg. xvi
- To waver in mind or opinion; be indecisive or irresolute.
6. Superannuated-pg. 8
- Retired because of age or infirmity; too old for use.
7. Kalashikov-pg. 10
- Any series of assault rifles of Soviet design, especially the AK-47.
8. Mullahs-pg. 12
- A title of respect in Islamic countries for someone who is learned in teaches of expounds the sacred laws.
9. Mujahedeen-pg. 15
- Muslim guerilla warriors engaged in a jihad.
10. Pyre-pg. 16
- A pile or heap of wood or other combustible material.
11. Plinth-pg. 20
- A slablike member beneath the base of a column or pier.
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