Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Disscussion Leader-Lesley-5/11/10

1. How did your feelings for the family, or for particular members of the family, change throughout the book?

My feelings changed most for Leila; in the beginning of the book there wasn't really much about her but by the end of the book we had a look into her daily life as well as her secret feelings and desires and felt sorry for her. The author related her to Cinderella to help us to feel a connection with her situation and feel even more sorry for her, and it worked.

2. What chapter(s) did you feel were most, or least, significant in the book? Should the least significant have been left out? What would you have changed?

I felt that the chapter, "My Mother Osama" was least significant. I didn't think that it needed to be in the book because, even though it was about one of the cousins of the family, it didn't relate to the core family that we saw through the whole rest of the book very well. Sierstad should have either not included these characters or only briefly discussed them rather than adding a whole chapter about them.

3. Did you enjoy the book? Why or why not?

I did enjoy the book as a class reading, but it is not something that I would read by choice. The style of writing isn't the type that I would normally read and I felt that if it had not been an assignment I would have gotten bored of it.

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