Friday, May 7, 2010

Vocab Builder-Steph 5/7/10

1. stipulate (pg. 201): to make an express demand or arrangement as condition of an agreement

2. tatty (pg. 201): shabby or ill-kept, ragged, tawdry

3. threadbare (pg. 201): meager, scanty or poor

4. infidel (pg. 202): a person who does not accept a particular faith

5. foyer (pg. 205): the lobby of a theater, hotel or apartment house

6. superficial (pg. 205): being at, on or near the surface

7. mullah (pg. 205): a title of respect for a person who is learned in, teaches or expounds the sacred law

8. charlatan (pg. 211): a person who pretends or claims to have to have more knowledge or skill than he or she possesses, quack

9. disheveled (pg. 218): hanging loosely or in disorder, unkept

10. bemoan (pg. 219): to express distress or grief over, lament

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