Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Vocab. - Lesley - 5/5/10

Nauroz (Pg. 132) - "New Day", originally "New Light") is a traditional ancient Iranian[2] festival which celebrates the start of the Iranian New Year.

Soverigns (Pg. 132)possessing supreme or ultimate power

Polemic (Pg. 133)a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something

Mausoleum (Pg. 133)a building, esp. a large and stately one, housing a tomb or tombs.

Colonnades (Pg. 143)a row of columns supporting a roof, an entablature, or arcade.

Flank (Pg. 151)be situated on each side of or on one side of (someone or something

Paradoxically (Pg. 165) - seemingly absurd or self-contradictory

Indeterminable (Pg. 170) – not able to be definitely ascertained, calculated, or identified

Contemptuously (Pg. 179) – showing contempt; scornful

Reprimands (Pg. 184) - a rebuke, esp. an official one

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